Foods to Avoid with Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health disorder where there are sudden mood swings. These episodes of highs and lows, or mania and depression, can range from mild to extreme in severity. Mood swings can start surfacing slowly over a period of many weeks. Sometimes, however, these can emerge suddenly over only a few days. When the mood swings start to affect sleep, thinking, behavior, and energy levels, it’s referred to as an episode.
Foods for bipolar disorder include a diet that’s balanced and includes protective, nutrient-rich foods. These include whole grains, legumes, lean meats, fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs, coldwater fish, soy products, low-fat dairy foods, seeds, and nuts.
Moreover, the following foods can help control bipolar disorder:
1. Red meat, trans fats, and simple carbs
It’s best to steer clear of the dieting style that focuses on eating more red meats, trans fats and saturated fats, and simple carbs. These can be responsible for increasing the risks of obesity, heart problems, and type 2 diabetes.
2. Caffeine
One shouldn’t stop the consumption of caffeine abruptly; rather, one will have to continue consuming only moderate amounts. Avoiding excess caffeine will promote better sleep patterns.
3. High-fat foods
Avoid high-fat meals that can increase the risks of obesity. Besides, consuming these will delay the absorption time taken for some bipolar medications in the body.
4. Salt
One must not eat too much salt when one already has high blood pressure; however, one cannot eliminate salt from the diet if they have been prescribed lithium. When one is taking lithium, one must maintain a check on their salt intake. Any sudden change, increase or decrease, will end up affecting lithium levels. One must also drink ample fluids when taking lithium.
5. Dietary supplements
One should not take dietary supplements that are known to induce a reaction.
6. Tyramine
When one has to take MAO inhibitors or antidepressants like Phenelzine and Tranylcypromine, they have to stay away from foods that contain tyramine. This is because such foods may cause hypertension in patients taking MAO inhibitors. Foods that are rich in tyramine include fermented cheese, overly ripe bananas, tap beer, aged meats, wines like Chianti, and soy sauce in great amounts.
7. Alcohol
When one takes psychiatric medicines, they are strongly advised against consuming alcohol.
8. Sugar
If one has a diet that is rich in sugar, it’s very difficult to control obesity. This is true of belly fat as well; this will make it hard for the medications one is consuming for treating bipolar disorder to be effective. So, if one has a sweet tooth, one can satisfy their urge by eating a fruit.
9. Grapefruit
Grapefruit juice may not be a wise addition to the diet if one is suffering from bipolar disorder. It tends to increase blood levels if consumed along with a variety of medications that are used to treat this condition.
If one wants to follow diet instructions to include foods for bipolar disorder, one must talk to their doctor about when to take the medicines, whether before or after meals as some must be taken without food as well.